Police Pistol Combat FAQ | Law Enforcement Firearm Competitions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of frequently asked questions concerning NRA's Police Pistol Combat program. If you have a question that needs answered, don't hesitate to send it our way!

How do I know if I'm eligible to compete in Police Pistol Combat?

You must be a full-time law enforcement officer meeting Police Pistol Combat Rule 2.4 in order to be eligible. Beginning in 2006, PPC was opened up to military police.

Do I have to be a member of NRA to compete in Police Pistol Combat?

No. As of July 1, 2008, you do not have to be a member of the NRA to compete in Police Pistol Combat tournaments.

How do I get a copy of the Police Pistol Combat Rulebook?

Click here to view and print the current Police Pistol Combat Rule Book.
To order a spiral-bound printed copy, please call Law Enforcement Competitions at 703-267-1632.

Are there separate classification ratings for the revolver and semi-automatic pistol?

Yes, NRA keeps separate records for both disciplines and officers may earn a classification with either or both. It is recommended that you obtain both classification ratings.

Where are PPC matches conducted?

NRA sanctions over 800 tournaments annually nationwide. Find out about upcoming tournaments in Shooting Sports USA, on our website, or call our office at (703) 267-1635 or (703) 267-1632.

How do I get classified in Police Pistol Combat?

Once 300 shots from NRA sanctioned tournaments are received, you will automatically receive a classification card.

What scores are used for classification purposes in Police Pistol Combat?

Scores from 1500s, team matches, service revolver, off-duty pistol and stock semi-automatic pistol are used to establish a classification.

How am I moved up in class or reclassified?

Once you fire two scores above your current rating, within a two-year period, you will automatically be reclassified upwards.

How do I request to be declassified?

If you feel your classification rating is too high, you may request to be declassified. This request must be sent in writing to the NRA's Police Competitions Department who will review the competitor's shooting history to determine whether declassification is needed.

How do I request permission to compete using an alternate position or artificial support?

Simply send a letter to NRA requesting permission to compete using an alternate position. These sorts of requests require a letter from your doctor describing the medical issue. In some cases, further information may be requested. Additional information may be found in Section 13 of the Police Pistol Combat Rulebook.

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For more information about the Law Enforcement Division, call us at (703) 267-1632 or email LEcompetitions@nrahq.org.


Law Enforcement Firearm Competitions

The NRA Law Enforcement Division offers a complete police shooting program to police departments and law enforcement agencies to encourage patrol officers to gain more experience, training and time on the range using their duty firearms.